Global Journeys for Young People to Build Peace

About ARK

Architects        Relationships        Knowledge

ARK, an international FAMILY,
builds bridges of trust to promote peace.

Mission Statement 2019


As ARK left their Summit at the United Nations in New York, they knew they had UNFINISHED BUSINESS digging into the MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS, (MDGs). Each ARK country took home objectives to bring the MDGs alive in their communities, schools and nation to end poverty and ignite Human Rights into systems of discrimination, global pollution and violence. Their hearts and minds, united with sacred spiritual truths, were energized and dedicated. They joined forces with thousands around the globe to transform the world for the common good.

Just days after ARK left New York, 193 Nations signed 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) to continue finding solutions for the despair of poverty, violence, Human Rights abuse and the crisis of global environmental destruction. David Nabarro, UN Advisor for the 17 SDGs states: “These Goals represent an indivisible tapestry of thinking and actions that applies in every community, everywhere in the world. They are universal. They represent a total and completely intertwined lattice of action that is relevant for every human being everywhere.”

They are:

  1. End poverty in all forms
  2. End hunger, promote agriculture
  3. Healthy wellbeing for all ages
  4. Education for women/girls
  5. Gender equality & empowerment
  6. Management of water & sanitation
  7. Modern energy for all
  8. Promote economic growth/jobs
  9. Innovation & Industrialization
  10. Reduce global inequality
  11. Make all human cities safe
  12. Ensure production patterns
  13. Combat climate change
  14. Conserve oceans, seas, rivers
  15. Protect all ecosystems
  16. Institutional justice for all
  17. Global partnerships for development for all 17 SDGs

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP 2019 is the ARK VIII theme set for July 2019. We are determined that we must take care of the UNFINISHED BUSINESS of ARK VII when we embraced the MDGs. ARK has been and will be a living laboratory where engagement with the world is focused on real solutions. Solutions stretching beyond the global boundaries of each person involved, a transforming movement set in motion by the SDGs. BECAUSE WE CARE!